Tuesday, December 2, 2008

6th Value

The Sixth Value: The Statement, Stand and Stance We Take Towards Knowledge - A Sacred Law Perspective

The following is an excerpt from Sacred Law School materials. For more information, see www.sacredlaws.com

Smack in the middle of the Razor’s Edge years, we are all being adequately challenged with the sixth value: the statement, stance and the stand we take in relationship to general knowledge. Collectively as a tribe and individually, the Everything is demanding that we re-examine what we really know, what we think we know and to separate that reality from the pretense reality of what we believe and from our conditioned education. The sixth value overlays with the Larien of dreaming and the magickal Law of Absolute Fertility. Our dream will be poor, puny and sterile if we do not have the knowledge with which to fuel the imagination of what is possible to dream. The Dawn Light Beauty Way Wheel (see the Six Cosmic Laws, Sacred Law manual, Vol. I) details the steps to gaining a renaissance level of general knowledge. We must have a working knowledge of what is going on around us: political astuteness, business savvy, cultural hipness, computer know-how, scientific grounding and artistic sensitivity are just a few of the requirements in this information age. Ignorance is a tragedy and it is everyone's responsibility to relieve themselves of their own ignorance. Without knowledge, we have no fertile dream.

East to say; hard to do! We are seemingly assaulted on all fronts by conflicting data. We can find apparently credible authorities to express whatever opinions and theories we favor and we can find an equal number of so-called experts expressing the 180 degree view points! Our nagual, Thunder Strikes, insists he has real, working, Elder knowledge on The Faces of Evil, the current monetary situation, political candidates, religious agendas and environmental issues. Much of what he is teaching flies in the face of dearly and long-held political, social and environmental stances and in many cases, conventional wisdom. Remember, though, that where there are buttons pushed, there are corners to be cleaned! Where to turn to sort this out? How to walk through this minefield?

The first thing that all new apprentices are taught on this path is to not believe anything, but to try the knowledge and see if it grows corn. And right now, sorting through the miasma of conflicting information is the greatest warrior’s task and stalking assignment you can ever do. We have the tools and if we put our attention and power to stalking our own truth, we will find it, hidden in some shadowy dark corner. Let’s try leveling the whole field and starting from scratch. What does that look like? First of all, it looks like suspending all beliefs, and parking our holy cows in a nice grassy field for a while. Secondly, from this clean-swept mind, we begin to gather information, not judging it, just gathering. We listen to Rush and NPR and the Libertarians. We read documents on all sides of the issues: the Worldwatch Institute and the Cato Institute, for example. Yikes! Next we test and challenge our information, assembling a new reality based on knowledge that passes the reality tests. We look at the sources, examine the profit/loss profiles, the funding resources, the hidden agendas. Finally, into this chaos, we weigh the truths we have uncovered against our own bottom line values and determine for ourselves - with free thinking - what is really going on. No matter what conclusions we come to, we must always remember that we do not know the end of the story!

Some question to ask yourself:
Are you happy with what you know?
Does learning make you joyful?
Are you satisfied with your knowledge base?
Do your opinions and beliefs have emotional content?
Do you get emotional when you express your knowledge?
Do you get emotional when others express their knowledge?

What do you really know?
Do you know what you don't know?
Are you learning everyday?
How much new knowledge do you seek and take in and use?
Do you have a thirsty hungry mind?
From which sources to you gather information and knowledge?
Which sources do you exclude and why?
How balanced is your information gathering?

Where do you gather knowledge about developing skills and abilities?
Who trains you?
How much time do you put in? Discipline?
Do you use the physical knowledge you have?
Are you committed to learning physical skills?
Do you feel your knowledge in your body or is it intellectual?
Does your knowledge “grow corn”?

What do you teach?
Can you converse intelligently on many subjects?
Are you confident or arrogant about what you know?
Are you threatened by others' superior knowledge?
Do you know yourself?
Are you interesting to listen to?
Do people enjoy it when you talk?
How determined are you to gain real knowledge?
How many paths have you pursued for knowledge?

Are you excited about what you know?
About what you learn?
Does leaning something give you an energy rush?
Are you curious?
What encourages you to learn?
Are you enthusiastic?
Can you weave all your knowledge together into a coherent whole?
Does your knowledge support your bottom line principles?

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