Monday, December 1, 2008

The Fifth Value

The Fifth Value of the Condition of the Bodily Appearance:
A Sacred Law Perspective

Exceprted from Sacred Law School materials. For more information, go to

The fifth value of the condition of the bodily appearance is a very tricky value – it can so easily be misunderstood! On the surface of things, this value is about our literal body appearance, our presentation to the world. And while this is an important aspect, surely, this value is not limited to how we look but includes those aspects of ourselves that are less visible such as self worth, how well we perceive and interpret reality and simply the joy we feel in living.
Our body image, or how we perceive our factual, physical bodies, must come into alignment with our self image, the perception and measure of our whole selves. We need to take stock of our body’s measure, come to peace with the things we can’t change, change the things we can’t live with and then get on with the business of living life! The next step is reconciling and aligning our self image and body image with our highest imagination of how we present and carry ourselves in the fulfillment of our destiny, to become what we call our living sacred image. The fifth value teaches us that our understanding of what we are, how we look and our deepest desire to appear to the world as our most excellent selves is a crucial aspect of living life in a body. This is a worthy hero’s journey in and of itself but still only scratches the surface of what the fifth value holds.
In addition to the body image and sacred image issues, we can also apply an overlay here with the Fifth Larien of Translation and Interpretation (the two female potential faces), Integration (the male, active face) and Seeing (the child face or the result). This value speaks to us of how useful and essential our bodies are in gathering data and assembling our subjective reality in alignment with true reality. The fifth value hints at how important our bodies are to our understanding of the world and our place in it. This value demands that we consider the entirety of our luminous egg cocoon and its interaction with the world of life. Are our ten eyes and five ears all functioning? Are we paying attention to and translating the input of their data or are we only listening to our tonal eyes and ears? Is the octagonal mirror functioning at a high enough level that our understanding corresponds to what is really happening or is our experience interpreted by pretense? Are we assembling at a high enough A point station to understand and truly see what is required in the space in the moment or are we locked into a limited world view? Are we able to glean the reality of what is present in our space or are our bodies so shut down and hampered by pretense that we actually have no clue what is really real and what is illusion? What daily practices do we engage in that support the purity and the awakening of our entire self? The demand from this value is the excellence condition of our whole luminosity.
Digging a little deeper, we find the Fifth Magickal Law is the Law of Absolute Livingness. Our soul is alive in all things, just as all things are alive in our soul. And our soul is alive inside our bodies! The way we touch the universal livingness is through our bodily senses and if we don’t bother to fully revel in our senses, our bodies, our understanding of life’s experiences and ultimately, our ability to be and see, wither and life becomes a little flatter everyday until it is no longer very valuable and we cruise right on out of life having only ever been partly alive! Ouch!
Think about the times in your life when you have been acutely aware of every single thing around you. Where were you?; what were you engaged in? We certainly can all acknowledge that we are very aware of the smallest nuances (even a glance) when new, raw sexual energy is at play. Even the expression “turned on” is an indication of this sensitized and receptive state. This level of awakeness is the kind of attention and alertness that we need to bring to all our senses, to all our eyes and ears and every part of our luminous egg cocoon if we are to be fully in alignment with the fifth value. The value of feeding our senses on a daily7 basis cannot be ignored. Just as our soul’s have hungers, our bodily senses also have hungers. The great news is that our senses are really a joy to feed if we take the time and care to identify how. Our body is happy, our soul is happy and life is good! The fifth value is about the art of living life in a body!

Question to ponder….
Are you happy with the way you look?
How do you feel about your body?
Are you shy or exhibitionistic about your body?
Does your body bring you joy?
What is your body image?
What is your self image?
What is your sacred image?
What does your heart ear say?

Do you know how to care for your body?
What image of your body do you carry in your head?
What image would you like to project?
Are you confident about your body?
Where is your mind gathering data from?
Which eyes and ears are in use?
What A point station are you in?

Do you listen to your body and do what is needed?
Do you know what is desired by your body and brings it joy?
What quality of nourishment do you give your body?
Are you healthy? Do you feel good?
Do you train your body, including training in gleaning?
What skills, talents and abilities does your body have and which eyes and ear do they involve?
Do you use them? Are you physically lazy?
What motivates you?
Where is your one point? Under what circumstances do you lose your one point?
What do your 10 eyes and 5 ears tell you?

Does your spirit guide your choices?
What makes you feel really great about your appearance?
What do you do to comfort and soothe your body?
Are you trying to change the way you look?
What motivates this change?
Does your spirit guide your body and self images?
Do your bodily decorations express your sacred image?
Do you really go for the destiny of your sacred image?

Are you passionate about caring for yourself?
Do you have Self Love? Self worth? Self devotion? Self acceptance?
Are you competitive with your body?
Is there a goal you are striving to reach with your body?
If you could look anyway you dreamed of, what would that be?
What turns you on? What snaps you into awareness?
Where is your passion for your sacred image and what are you doing about it?
Where is your stream of livingness dammed and what are you doing about it?

Your senses
List 25 things for each sense (sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch) that make you feel happy to be alive and inhabiting a physical body.
Sight: rock walls with moss growing on them, mountains at sunset, smiles
Smell: freesias and star gazer lilies, baked potatoes, babies
Taste: coconut drinks, afternoon tea, chocolate, good water
Hearing: Mozart, gears shifting on a powerful car, the first pouring of water in a sweat lodge
Touch: sun-soaked cat fur, warm bubbly water, silk, rough tree bark

WTA Opportunity! (Warrior Task Assignment) Make a commitment to come into contact and revel in that contact with at least some of the things on this list every day! Allow the beauty to wake you up. Live life in your body!

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